Friday, February 18, 2011

Blitzing your way through your music-making

Have you seen this picture somewhere before? Do you know what it is?

Some people call it a thirty-second note and others call it a demisemiquaver. But where have you seen it?

If you recognise it, you have probably been using one of the terrific resources which Samantha Coates and her friends have been providing for the past ten years. Her Blitz Books have lots of these cute pictures combined with the general knowledge tips, music theory information and practical help with sight-reading that can help you to blitz your way through learning to play and doing music exams.

At the Blitz Books downloads page, you will find heaps of completely free worksheets and samples to supplement the books.

There is also a most interesting blog with lots of articles about aspects of music-making, which includes practical advice for teachers and students.

These resources have been a tremendous help to hundreds of teachers and students throughout Australia, and through the internet, also for people in other parts of the world.